Whether you are wondering if a photofacial is right for you — or you just got done with your appointment, you could be wondering about what to expect once finished. Photofacials are a great way to reduce dark spots, sun damage, age spots, redness, wrinkles, or fine lines. We get these spots and changes in our skin for a wide range of reasons and as long as they have been seen by a Dr and the spots in concern are not being monitored for health reasons, they can be treated. 

There are several options for photofacials:

  1. Laser treatments

  2. IPL (intense pulsed light) 

  3. BBL (BroadBand Light)

We are going to focus primarily on the aftercare steps you should take for laser treatments, but we can give some insight into the differences between laser treatments and other light based treatments. 

Laser vs. IPL & BBL (The Big Difference)

While both laser technology and IPLs can be an effective way to tackle spots and aging, they work a bit differently. 

Laser Treatments 

Laser treatments for photofacials utilize a specific wavelength of light to treat a concentrated area of the skin to achieve a goal. Laser technology targets specific issues which can lead to a more specific and desirable result. The parameters of the machine can change and use different wavelengths of light to accomplish different skin goals.


Intense pulsed light uses flashes of light on a spectrum instead of one concentrated beam. It is a more "spread out" treatment as opposed to the “laser-focused” alternative. While IPL is considered a perfectly acceptable treatment option, they may not produce dramatic results for certain skin conditions or skin types. 

What to Expect Going Into Your Photofacial 

Photofacials can help reduce a wide range of skin spots and discoloration that may be bothering you — depending on where you fit on the Fitzpatrick skin scale. The process can take anywhere from 15 minutes to 40 minutes per session, depending on your end goal. Going into your first appointment, you may wonder what to expect. 

You could have a free information-based consultation to discuss your treatment options and objectives, or just continue with this article to learn more about what a photofacial can do for you. Once you have landed on a photofacial, there are some steps you can take to receive the best possible results. 

  • Stay out of the sun to avoid what is known as hypo-pigmentation (white spots). We would recommend minimal sun exposure for about 4-6 weeks leading up to your treatment. The same can be said for tanning, as the same hypo-pigmentation can occur from recently tanned skin. 

  • Avoid self-tanning products for about a week before your photofacial and should have faded all the way prior to treatment. This ensures that there is not any blockage or preventable side effects once you are all finished. 

  • No chemical peels leading up to your photofacial either. We recommend staying away from chemicals for 4-6 weeks prior to your appointment. The same can be said for photosensitizing topical creams or exfoliants such as Retin A or Renova (avoid for 2 weeks before your photofacial). 

  • Tell your technician about any medications you take and products applied topically. Technicians may recommend halting any non-prescribed topical medications or skincare products entirely in the days leading up to your appointment. 

  • Disclose pre-existing conditions like peri-oral herpes simplex virus, as the provider may recommend antiviral medication with pre + post-treatment initiatives. 

  • Clean your skin prior to your appointment by removing any makeup, lotions, or other topicals. 

Getting Rid of Spots and Dots 

Whether you are looking to take advantage of photofacial treatments for sunspots on your hands or face — or perhaps reducing red spots or brown spots on your back, chest, or abdomen, it is a quick process. Each session lasts roughly 15 minutes. The number of treatments depends on how long a spot has been present, how that spot responds to treatment, and how many areas you wish to be treated. A spot may disappear after 1 treatment or 3 sessions (or more) may be what is needed to decrease the visibility of the spot and retreatments can happen every four weeks. 

Photofacial Aftercare 

Now, here is what you came for! Not only is aftercare important for seeing the most drastic results, but it is also going to help with any discomfort you may feel in the coming days. You may feel a slight sunburn-like sensation for a few hours — or a few days, depending on your treatment. The warm/hot feeling is completely normal and will fade. 

So, without further adieu, let us dive right in. 

1. Hands Off 

We do not recommend touching your face, but it is especially important to keep your hands off any treated areas after your appointment. You may feel some slight puffiness, which is completely normal. While you may feel the urge to scratch, rub, or even pick any lesions or bumpy areas — do yourself a favor and do not. Give your face time to heal! Not only could this cause an infection, but it also may cause permanent pigment changes in your skin or possibly scarring. 

Cleanse your skin gently, or apply some hydrocortisone cream or non-fragrance lotion a few times a day for a week. If anything feels abnormal — do not hesitate to contact your provider for further advice. 


2. Sunblock Is Your Friend 

Similar to your pre-treatment routine, you will want to avoid UV rays as much as possible. Now, we know that may not be possible 100% of the time, so pick up some SPF 30+ or more sunblock to apply on the treated areas. Try to avoid direct sunlight for about three weeks after your photofacial treatment.

3. Stay Away From Excessive Heat and Ice Packs are Your Friends 

While staying out of the sun is to protect treated areas from UV rays, heat is also something you will want to avoid. That means staying away from:

  • Hot tubs 

  • Saunas 

  • Spa treatments

  • Excessive exercise 

You will only have to avoid these possible triggers for about 2-4 days after your appointment to keep redness to an absolute minimum. Use ice packs to help cool the area. Using ice helps reduce the warmness and bring down inflammation and redness associated with your treatment.

4. Use Skincare Products With Caution

Many sunscreens, topical face products, and moisturizers are absolutely fine to apply the very next day — but be mindful of any discomfort. If you feel stinging or burning when using these products, hold off for a few days or a week to give treated areas time to heal. We would also recommend avoiding retinols, acids, or abrasive chemicals for a few days, as these may cause some discomfort while treated areas are healing. However, applying hydrocortisone to spots for healing and keeping the treated area hydrated with a non-fragrance moisturizer can help reduce the need to itch and touch. 

5. Be Patient 

In the hours or even the first few days after your treatment, you may experience some of the symptoms we mentioned earlier. Do not worry; these will go away. Visual results and reduction in spots or dots could require a few sessions — so make sure to speak with your technician to get a solid estimate on how many appointments may be necessary to reach your goals. 

Are You Looking For a Photofacial Treatment? 

If you are on the hunt for an effective way to reduce spots, dots, fine lines, and redness — photofacials are a sound solution. While staying out of the sun is the best way to avoid some of these unwanted skin spots, we are here to help those looking to get rid of bothersome marks. 

Here at Mill City Laser, we are here to help. If you have unwanted sunspots, dark spots, and more — we have some fantastic prices and packages with many positive reviews. We offer a comfortable and relaxing experience free of pressure to try anything more than what you are ready to do. Explore our skincare offerings today.