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The reason you try laser hair reduction, may not be the reason someone else gives it a try.

We all have hair in all the places, here are a few reasons folks want laser hair reduction:
1) other hair removal methods can lead to in-grown hairs, irritation or even infection, laser is a lasting reduction option
2) not having to deal with hair can save time
3) hair in visible, unwanted areas can lead to distress or dysphoria
4) other methods of hair management have waste that is bad for the earth (i.e. razors, aerosol cans)
5) you may not feel your body hair is necessary to keep you warm in your evolved state
6) societal pressures (more so for women) to not have hair in the places
7) not having hair in some places can make a person feel cleaner

The right answer when it comes to hair is, YES. Yes, you get to decided what makes sense for you for the reasons that make sense to you.

If you want the hair, keep it and rock on with your full follicle self.
If you want that fresh-shaved feeling without shaving, we can help.

Set up a free consult with our owner, Hannah, to learn more.

The Right Reason to Get Laser Hair Reduction